Robert Diab

Topic summaries

Selected essays & reviews

  • “Are AI Language Models Too Dangerous to Deploy? Who Can Tell?”
    CIGI Online (18 May 2023)
  • “It’s Not the End of Privacy Yet in Canada, But the Threat Remains”
    The Conversation (17 April 2023)
  • Review of Kate Eichhorn, "Content"
    25(1) New Media & Society (2023) PDF
  • “The Great Unread: On William Deresiewicz’s The Death of the Artist"
    Los Angeles Review of Books (13 Oct 2020)
  • “Is Password Compulsion Constitutional in Canada? Two Views”
    The Advocate (July 2019) (with M. Putnam)
  • “Compelling People to Reveal Their Passwords Is Posing a Challenge to Police and Courts” Salon (26 May 2019)
  • “The Big Fail: The Internet Hasn’t Helped Democracy"
    National Post (15 October 2018)